ASM-01 Valve Shrinking Machine (Automatic Operation)
Water Capacity: 60 Lt.
Steam Capacity: 39 kg/h
Capacity: 800-1600 Cylinder/h. *
Working Pressure: 4 bars.
Resistance Power: 4x7,5 kW
It ensures labeling of the checked cylinders after filling, it consists of an automatic shrink head and a vapour generator. Vapour obtained by the vapour generator outside the filling building is delivered through the pipes to the automatic shrink machine so cylinders passing on the conveyor get shrunk here.
It is 100% safe with an audible alarm system and safety valve at maximum pressure entering the circuit.
Automatic Water Supply tank to the system with a pump.
Ready to work in about 15 minutes.
Produced according to CE norms.
*valid on multiple models.
ASM-01 Valve Shrinking Machine (Manuel Operation)
Water Capacity: 60 Lt.
Steam Capacity: 39 kg/h
Capacity: 800-900 Cylinder/h.
Working Pressure: 4 bars.
Resistance Power: 4x7,5 kW

Cylinder Body Shrinking Machine
Water Capacity: 60 Lt.
Steam Capacity: 39 kg/h
Capacity:700-800 Cylinder/h.
Automatic Operation
Required Chain Conveyor
Required Pipeline